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The Telescope The newsletter of the S.C.G.S.C. |
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Volume 1, Issue 2 | March, 2000 |
This month we have news from the AGM, about a maintenance on the boat and the official launch. We will start with: - The Annual General Meeting There was a good turnout for the annual general meeting, which was held at the Cork Garda Social Club at Penrose Quay. A total of 24 members turned up, with most of them from the South Coast setion. I think the Dubs get frightened once they are outside the pale. The first item on the agenda was winding up the Garda Sailing Club and the setting up of two new clubs, the South Coast Garda Sailing Club and the East Coast Garda Sailing Club. All members voted for the split, which was amicable, and each side wished the other all the best for the future. If fact we will still be sailing together. See the cruise in company planned for August. After the vote the East Coast members left the meeting to have one of their own while the South Coast club got down to business with their own AGM Triona O'Neill, our Secretary read the minutes of last years AGM and these were accepted by the floor. The main item was the agreement to purchase a larger / newer yacht and this has been done. Our Chairman Paddy Allen outlined the progress that we had made over the past 12 months with the sale of 'Ajay' and the purchase of a new and larger yacht 'Oasis'. He mentioned how the committee were looking at a scheme run by the Cork V.E.C. for disadvantaged young persons and how we might be able to take part in it and at the same time help finance the safety equipment that the club would require to take part. The scheme would involve the club taking out a number of young people who are 'at risk' and showing them how to sail and the different disciplines involved. This hopefully would benefit them in later life and also benefit the club both in learning from these young people and financially by being able to purchase the equipment needed. It would require a commitment from the club over a number of years and Paddy explained that Assistant Commissioner Long and Chief Superintendent Culligan had been informed of our proposal and were supportive of our plans. The treasurer's report outlined our finances over the past year. The largest cost was the purchase of our new boat 'Oasis'. We didn't have any repairs and except for the purchase of 'Oasis' the club was able to fund itself from its own funds. Paul Hogan, the treasurer, informed us that the club was in a better financial position than at this time last year and while the day to day spending and loan repayments were being looked after we had nothing left for any other expenditure. We would need extra funding for the purchase of equipment and maintenance on the boat this year that would not be needed next year. He showed us what an increase in subscriptions of £1 and £2 per week would do for the club. The committee was reluctant to increase member's subscriptions unless they were financially forced to do so. They put forward a motion to renew the permission that they had from the AGM last yearto be allowed to put up the subscription from £4 to £5 per week during the year if they felt the need. This did not go to a vote as a proposal from the floor to increase the subscription to £5 with immediately effect was voted on and carried by almost all present. This at last gives us the finance to run the club, the yacht and to fund new equipment without borrowing or needing to look to outside agencies to support us. While we will still have difficulties this year due to most of the spending occurring at the beginning of the season, the extra funds the increase will generate will set us up for next year and the years ahead. While sponsorship is still gratefully received we have now bitten the bullet and will now be able to stand on our own two feet. There now should be no need for an increase in subscriptions next year and if we continue to get new members we may not need to increase fees for many years. If you are using your Budget Account solely for paying your membership to the Sailing Club please note that you will need to increase your payment to the Credit Union. Also any members who pay their subscription on a yearly basis are asked to forward it to the treasurer by the 1st of April each year. This will increase our cash flow at the time of year when we our spending is at its highest. New Committee Three members of the old committee did not stand for re-election this year. They were John Murphy, Eamonn Foley and Pat Fleming. All three have served on the committee since the founding of the club in 1993. John served as Secretary and Pat as Treasurer during their time on the committee. We wish them well in their 'retirement'. All three are looking forward to more sailing and less administration. Pat has also been replaced, as booking officer but will continue as editor of the newsletter. The new committee elected is as follows: - Commodore: Paddy Allen. Vice Commodore: Harry Field. Treasurer: Paul Hogan. Secretary: Triona O'Neill. Committee Members: Eoghan Allen, Eddie O'Sullivan, John McSweeney, Joan Wilson & Martin Landers. Honorary Members This year's AGM elected two honorary members to the club. While we have always had the position of Honorary Member in our rules, we have never elected anyone before. The two people elected were: Chief Superintendent Adrian Culligan. Since becoming C/Supt. for the Cork Division, C/Supt. Culligan has assisted the club and especially in our efforts to be able to put together a proposal to the V.E.C. for their youth project. Bob Thomson. Bob has a long association with the sea having fished from Cobh most of his life. Since he retired he has given up his time to the Sea Scouts in Cobh, teaching them the skills of sailing and respect for the sea. He thought our present Commodore Paddy Allen and his brother Eoghan to sail and assisted us in bringing 'Oasis' back to Ireland. New Members We would like to welcome Anna Lane to the club. Anna is a member in Anglesea Street in Cork. Maintenance Paddy Allen removed the floorboards and steps from the boat and stripped them back to bare wood before re-varnishing them. From what we have seen so far, you could eat from them. The new varnish should taste better anyway. Dermot will soon let us know. Martin Landers removed all the ropes from the mast when it was removed from the boat last season and has being replacing those that needed replacing as well as putting in place a uphaul and downhaul for the spinnaker boom. A rigger will also be inspecting the mast before it is replaced in the boat to make sure all is well with the standing rigging. Martin also has got the spare mainsail cut to fit the boat and has got any repairs that needed to be done have been done. Harry Field led a work party of Richard Laws, Denis O'Connor and Pat Fleming to antifoul the bottom. Having cleaned the hull and masked it off they set to work and soon had the first coat on. After a brief rest during which Paddy Allen and Pat Fitzgerald arrived to work on the cabin, they completed the second coat of antifouling in record quick time as a result of a promise of drink afterwards. They were later to be found in 'Clippers' bar enjoying a well-earned pint. The following day Harry was back with Dermot O'Mahony and Pat Fleming painting the boot top. Dermot has a lovely steady hand if anyone wants some painting done. Harry & Pat have subcontracted out stripes for the hull which have just been completed and they will now arrange to have the hull polished before 'Oasis' is returned to the water. Eoghan Allen has been looking after the engine, which has been serviced. The stern gland has also been repacked which should eliminate the slight leak that we had last season. We will be fitting a greaser to the gland similar to what we had on 'Ajay'. The woodwork in the cockpit and coachroof still needs to be done and well as maintenance/cleaning of the cooker & fridge. Some work also needs to be done on the electronics and the pedestal needs to be repainted. Would anyone who has had work allocated to them please complete it as soon as possible as the boat will not be launch until all work has being completed. The launching It is hoped to launch 'Oasis' at Cork Dockyard on Friday the 7th of April if all work has been completed on her. You have only yourselves to blame if she isn't ready. Contact Paddy Allen at 021-814687 or 086-8837431 for more information. The Official Launch It is hoped to have the Official Launch at Penrose Quay on Friday the 28th of April. Commissioner Byrne has been invited to perform the ceremony. 'Oasis' will be berthed at the Quay just down river from Michael Collins Bridge for the afternoon and will be open to any member of An Garda Siochana and any friends of members of the club who might like to have a look at her. We would ask members of the club to accompany their friends on the day. A function with light refreshment will be held after the launch in the Cork Garda Social Club, Penrose Quay. Financial Report We had hoped to have a copy of the balance sheet for 1999 in the newsletter however we had not received it by the time the newsletter was printed. Booking Officer As the committee felt that the Booking Officer should be a member of the committee, Eoghan Allen has replaced Pat Fleming. Any member wishing to book 'Oasis' should contact Eoghan at 021-811563 087-2834104 or by e-mail eallen@swra.ie. Please make sure if you are booking by e-mail to get a confirmation before you take her out. We would like to thank Pat for his work in this position over the past 3 years. The Round Ireland As a result of the lack of a sponsor we will be unable to compete in this years 'Round Ireland' race. Due to not having a yacht that could take part until late last year, we were not in time to get a sponsor before the deadline most companies have for their planning of their financial year. However because of this we will have the use of 'Oasis' during late June & early July for cruising instead of racing. The club would like to thank Martin Landers, Harry Field & Eamonn Foley for the work that they put into the planning of the venture. This work will hopefully not go to waste but will be put into organising our entry into the next race in 2002. Membership List Last August we sent out a form with the newsletter to each member so that we could update our records as many members had moved stations and/or house. At that time approximately 35% of the forms were returned. In February we again sent out the form but this time only to those members whose records we had not by that stage updated. This time you really made an effort. We would like to thank the two members who did send in the form but to the other 18 members, including one member of the committee the less said the better……….Pat Fleming had to ring around at enormous cost to himself to find the rest of you. On more than one occasion he was informed that it was a wrong number! We would ask that each member notify the club secretary of any change of telephone number(s), addresses and e-mails. The club has better things to spend its time and money on than unnecessary printing and telephone calls. The membership list is as up to date as Pat could make it. If you find that there is a mistake or a lack of information on your own details please contact our Secretary Triona O'Neill at 021-373064, 086-8200257 or trionaceile@yahoo.co.uk Cruises The bookings to date are as follows: Friday 7th April Launch from Cork Dockyard Contact: Paddy Allen Friday 28th April Official Launch Garda Club Contact: Paddy Allen Friday 19th May to Cruise to the Scillies/North Coast of France (I understand Sunday 28th May that this cruise is full) Contact: Martin Landers Wednesday 31st May Cruise Cork Harbour. Contact: Michael Coughlan Thursday 8th June to Crosshaven/Glandore/Kinsale/Crosshaven Sunday 11th June Contact: Pat Fleming Saturday 15th July to Racing Ford Week, Crosshaven Friday 21st July (The crew list is full) Contact: Martin Landers Saturday 5th August to Cruise to West Cork in company with East Coast members Sunday 13th August other yachts Contact: Pat Fleming Contributions to the newsletter are not only welcome but are encouraged. A few members have submitted articles that have been very interesting and informative. We would hope that many more members would try their hand at writing for the newsletter. Anything will be considered, sailing or otherwise, so don't be shy. We will give any help, editorial or otherwise that you may need. All articles should be in writing and should be sent to: Pat Fleming, 7 Woburn Drive, Melbourn Estate, Bishopstown, Cork. Or emailed to patflem@gofree.indigo.ie |