'Oasis' is back in the water
'Oasis' went back into the water on Friday the 14th of April. About 9 members turned up to do the few last minute things that needed to be done prior to launch.
Michael Coughlan and John Murphy were busy fitting the wind instruments onto the top of the mast while Martin Landers and Eoghan Allen oversaw the preparations for the launch.
Harry Field antifouled the few pieces of the hull that could not be got at before she was lifted, such as the bottom of the keel. Oh, yes I nearly forgot, Pat Fleming handed Harry the tin of antifouling and the brush.
Our Commodore Paddy Allen stood back to make sure everyone was doing things right before he organised the reloading of equipment onto the boat. She was some sight when she was lifted about 25 feet into the air by the crane before moving slowly over the water and being lowered slowly down until she kissed the water again and settled down into her natural environment.
The mast then had to be craned over and stepped again on the deck and the rigging reconnected. Martin and Pat then began to refit the boom after Martin had to go below to get the spanners, as Pat wouldn't allow him to use the vice grips. After Pat left to go to work (the paid kind) he found the said vice grips in his pocket. The lengths he will go to keep it away from Martin, who probably spent the rest of the afternoon looking for it.
Unfortunately the boat will not be ready for use due to some last minute work that needs to be done.
Some of this work such as tuning (adjusting) the rigging and getting all the equipment back on board had to wait until the boat was in the water but some jobs were either not done or were not completed in time by the members to whom they were allocated to.
Thankfully only two members did not do the work they agreed to do and one of them is actually wondering why the boat is not ready to use. Some cheek.
The 'Official' launch
The Commissioner, Pat Byrne has kindly agreed to perform the official launch of 'Oasis'.
The date has now been confirmed as Friday the 28th of April at 12.30pm.
All members of the club and their partners are invited to attend the launch, which will take place on Penrose Quay, by Michael Collins Bridge. Afterward there will be a buffet in the Cork Garda Social Club nearby.We hope to have as many of our members and ex-members present as can attend as well as our various sponsors over the years.
We would like to thank the Social Club for the use of their facilities for the event, especially Regina Donnelly for all her help.
Pat Fleming will be bringing 'Oasis' up river to Penrose Quay on Friday morning. He needs at least two able bodied and willing crew. (Willing to do what, Pat?) If you are interested, you will need to be at the Salve Marine marina, Crosshaven at 8am or at the Naval Pier in Cobh at 9am on Friday morning.
There may be some polishing etc. to be done on the way up river.
If you are still interested please contact Pat at 021-544735 or 087-2351473 or
Maintenance on 'Oasis'
It was great to see the turn out of members particularly for the antifouling and cleaning of the hull as well as the launching of the boat.It made a big change from the three members who turned up when she needed to be brought from Crosshaven to Cobh to be laid up at the end of last season.
However some members are still not pulling their weight and while they will be the first on board when we go sailing, they are nowhere to be found when work needs to be done.
The lowest of the low are the people who agree to take on jobs over the winter and who either don't bother to do them or wait to the last moment before completing them.
Two members did not do their allotted task and other members who already were busy with other work had to take them on. There was no notice given by the members concerned that they would be unable or unwilling to do the work. As a result the boat is not ready as soon as we had hoped.
The boat will possibly be ready as you receive this newsletter.
To those who helped, stand up and take a bow.
I hope I have included everyone who turned up at the dockyard in Cobh and/or at Crosshaven. If I have left you out please contact me and I will rectify it in the next newsletter.
Laying up
Bringing boat to Cobh and removal of mast before removing from water.
Member in charge: Paddy Allen
Assisted by: Martin Landers, Michael Collins.
When the boat was lifted out in November it was left to the three musketeers to pull and haul at it until it was safely on dry land and the mast off.
It was a bitter cold day but next year we must have more bodies to help.
This consisted of cleaning and antifouling the bottom. Cleaning, polishing and having our logo and stripes placed on the hull and coachroof, and painting the bootline.
Member in charge: Harry Field.
Assisted by: Dermot O'Mahony, Peter McGuire, Pat Fleming, Richard Laws, Denis O'Connor, and Miriam McGuire.
Harry did a brilliant job. The hull looks smashing with the new stripes and it did not cost the club a penny.
When Harry went to price the work he discovered that that to do it properly, it was going to cost more that the club could afford. He went out and raised enough sponsorship to not only to do the job properly but also to buy new equipment such as more life jackets for the boat.
The removing and refitting of mast, removing and replacing ropes, wiring and fitting of new aerial and wind instruments.
Member in charge: Martin Landers
Assisted by: John Murphy, Michael Coughlan.
When the mast was being laid up Martin removed all the ropes so that they could be checked, cleaned and replaced where necessary. Some extra ropes were needed for the spinnaker gear and Martin also cut down the spinnaker boom to fit the boat.
Martin and John had the task of replacing all the ropes onto the mast and on the day that the boat was put back into the water John and Michael replaced the aerial which was found to be faulty and fitted wind instruments much to Martins delight.
Martin's old age is finally catching up with him, as he can't see the wind vane at the top of the mast anymore.
Removing, revarnishing and refitting of companionway steps and floors. Replacing carpet in cabins and cleaning contents and interior.
Member in charge: Paddy Allen
Assisted by: Michael Collins, Mary Cadogan, Pat Fitzgerald, Sean Kelliher, David Lyons & Cíara Fleming.
Paddy removed all the floorboards and companionway steps over the winter and sanded them back to the bare wood before revarnishing them until they were looking better than new. As the member who was to help him did not materialise he was forced to recruit Mary and Pat to help him with the woodwork and cleaning of the interior of the boat. As I write this he is leading another work party down to the boat to finish it off.
Michael should take up carpet fitting full time. He did a great job replacing the carpets in the cabins. Just one of the many jobs he did on the boat.
Sean took much of the equipment home with him to wash and clean. I hope Sean that you didn't get your mother to do it!
Maintaining and cleaning of cooker and fridge.
Member in charge: John McSweeney.
John had to step into the breach at the last moment to carry out the maintenance and cleaning of the cooker and fridge.
I know I'm repeating myself, but this was one of the jobs allocated to another member who failed to do it.
John was also involved in the various other tasks in getting the boat ready.
Exterior woodwork
Sanding, cleaning and oiling of wood in cockpit and coachroof.
Member in charge: Paul Hogan.
Paul didn't know what he was taking on when he said that he would do the deck.
Once he got over the shock, which took a little while, he got down to work and is finishing off a job well done as we speak.
Engine maintenance
Servicing and maintaining the engines and batteries.
Member in charge (inboard): Eoghan Allen.
Member in charge (outboard): Pat Fleming.
Eoghan got a mechanic from the naval service to carry out the servicing and maintenance on the engine while he helped. Some new equipment such as a greaser and the replacing of the stern gland were required and Eoghan then cleaned the bilge of oil and water until they were spotless.Pat got off lightly in that he was able to take the outboard motor to the mechanic instead of having to get the mechanic to come to the engine. Pat also supplied the battery charger which he wants back!
Launching of boat
Relaunching the boat and replacement of fittings and equipment.
Member in charge: Martin Landers
Assisted by: Paddy Allen, Eoghan Allen, Harry Field, Pat Fleming, John Murphy,
Michael Coughlan, Bob Thomson, Peter McGuire, David Field.
You have already read what happened on the day so I won't go into it again.
We would also like to thank Victor Shine for his help especially on the day of the launch at the dockyard.
Ongoing work
Paddy Allen has press ganged members into travelling to Crosshaven to assist in getting the boat shipshape for the launch and the season ahead. On Friday he had Martin Landers fighting with pipes and hoses in the heads (that's the toilet to you landlubbers) Pat Fleming was drilling holes to his hearts content while refitting the companionway trim. There was a couple of fecks and other words used when he discovered the missing pieces of head lining that Martin swore didn't exist and he had to start all over again. Harry Field and daughter Ashling after getting the important bits in the chandler were busy cleaning up after everyone. Paddy was rushing around (, as he had to be at work at 2pm) making sure everything was going back into its proper place.
Eoghan Allen & Son were hosing the deck but Pat made sure the sprayhood was up. Better luck next time, Eoghan! Dermot O'Mahony was to be found lying in the aft cabin……. No! he was not sleeping; he was carrying out drainage work on the floor of the cockpit. No, I am not going into it now, ask him about it if you are that interested. Sean Kelliher was transporting galley equipment while Pat Fitzgerald was attaching the dan buoy to the pushpit. Cíara Fleming was helping her daddy and checking out the cabins to make sure there was room for the dolls.
This launch is having such a great effect on the club in making sure all the work is done before the boat is sailed that I think that we should have a launch every year.
I think I counted 20 different names so there are still about 25 of you who were hiding when the work was being done. Will you be hiding when the sailing begins??? ( NOTE from Webmaster- I presume that this includes me , with about 275 hours of web development work, hiding behind a computer, but who is counting, besides the EDITOR)
Club Rules
Copies of the updated club rules are available for those members who were unable to attend the AGM.
The bookings to date are as follows:
Friday 12th May
The Gas Rigs
It is hoped to sail out to the gas rigs and back again. The gas rigs are approximately 30 south of Cork Harbour. The trip should take about 10 hours. It is hoped to leave early in the morning and to be back by the evening. I heard some mention that the crew may have a meal ashore before breaking up. For anyone hoping to do a crew or skipper exam it would be a chance to get some distance up on the log and to practice their navigation.
For more information contact: Eoghan Allen at 021-876877 or 087-2834104
Friday 19th May to Sunday 28th May
The Isles of Scilly and further afield
Martin is departing these shores again. He is off on Friday the 19th of May before 3pm and intends to be anchored in the Scillies 24 hours later. No doubt he will be found recuperating in the 'Atlantic Hotel' or 'The Mermaid'. From there he hopes to go, either to Brittany in France or the South Coast of England. He will be back in Cork before the 29th of May. (There is one vacancy on this trip)
Contact: Martin Landers at 021-507874 or 087-2076646
Wednesday 31st May
Cruise Cork Harbour.
Contact: Michael Coughlan at 023-41145 or 086-2444777
Thursday 8th June to Sunday 11th June
Contact: Pat Fleming at 021-544735 or 087-2351473
Thursday 8th June to Sunday 11th June
Contact: Pat Fleming at 021-544735 or 087-2351473
Saturday 15th July to Friday 21st July
Ford Week, Crosshaven (Racing)
(The crew list is full) For more information contact: Martin Landers.
Saturday 5th August to Sunday 13th August
Cruise to West Cork in company with East Coast members in other yachts
Members of the East Coast Garda Sailing Club are chartering two or more boats from Kinsale and intend to sail to West Cork for ' Calves Week' which takes place during that week. It is intended to sail 'Oasis' West and cruise in company with them. They will not be taking part in the racing, only the social side of things both afloat and ashore. If you are interested in a relaxing week away from the stresses and strain of life………
Contact: Pat Fleming
As we have nothing for the 'buy and sell' section this month, we will try to look after our own.
If anyone of you are selling property why not give Siobhan Field, Harry's wife a call. She is an Auctioneer or to give her, her proper title, a Residential Property Negotiator with the firm of Andrew Moore & Co. 25 Paul Street, Cork. She can be contacted at 021-4279393 or 087-6397447.
If you want a stereo, mobile phone or alarm fitted to your car why not contactEddie O'Sullivan at Car Stereo and Alarms Systems at 10 Patrick's Quay, Cork. Let him know you’re a member of the club.
An experienced Ceramic Tiler and Wooden Floor Fitter. David Hodge is a young married man and is now out on his own trying hard to make a living. He comes highly recommended by Pat Fleming. David can be contacted at 087-2664423.
Club Clothing
Martin has received the first consignment of polo shirts and fleeces as well as a jumper for himself. They look very smart. Martin asked me to tell you that he also looks very smart in his new red jumper.
I quote his e-mail ver batim. "I have received clothing for the following Triona our secretary, Paddy Allen and his younger brother Eoghan, our editor Pat Fleming, John McSweeney, Pat Fitz and Michael Dineen.
So do you want any clothing with the club logo, the name of the yacht, sail no. specially embroidered on same? We have lovely navy blue T-shirts, very warm fleece tops, and v.necked jumper of very fine quality, all at reasonable prices. We can also supply baseball hats and warm hats for sailing. So contact me and place your order, strictly cash and cheques accepted with banker's card. We are unable to accept all major credit cards (the machine got broke….)"
Well, he has said it all.
Prices are as follows: -
V-necked jumper £31.00
Fleece £24.00
Sweatshirt £16.00
Polo Shirt £12.00
Baseball Hats £12.00
Contact Martin Landers for more information on colour and sizes.
New Members
We wish to welcome the following new members: - Kieran Kelliher, Blackrock who is presently temporarily attached to the Traffic Corps in Anglesea Street. Simon Grace, Douglas who will shortly return from UN duty abroad.
New equipment
The club has purchased the following new equipment: -
Three self-inflating lifejackets with harness. This brings to six the number of lifejackets aboard. It is hoped to purchase shortly some children's lifejackets to the same standard.
Wind instruments. These will be particularly useful for racing. They give wind direction and wind speed.
Ships clock and barometer. These fine solid brass instruments are mounted by the chart table.
Dan Buoy and holder complete with light in case one of you goes for an unexpected swim.
New fenders to protect our lovely polished hull.
New VHF aerial and an emergency VHF aerial in case we ever loose the mast.
The total cost was approximately £1500.
Also there are plans to purchase a Radar and chart plotter and a couple of new sails in the near future.
The committee is investigating the possibility of purchasing a trophy for the club.
It is intended that the trophy would be awarded each year to a member and/or crew.
They are inviting suggestions from the members as to what the trophy should be awarded for.Presently under consideration are 1. Fastest passage to the isles of Scilly. 2. Fastest passage to the gas rigs.
The editor would like it awarded for the best log of a cruise so that he could copy it in the newsletter and take a rest himself. Another suggestion of his would be for 'Cruise of the year'
What do you think?
Answers on a postcard to any member of the committee…………
Membership details
If you have found any mistakes in the membership list that was with the March edition of the newsletter please contact Triona O'Neill at 021-373064 or 087- 8200257 or e-mail
Launch of the South Coast Garda Sailing Club Yacht
Friday 28th April 2000,
Penrose Wharf.
Penrose Wharf will host a splash of water and colour on Friday the 28th April 2000. The predominant colour will be blue on the day as Garda rank and file gather to launch their new yacht at 12:30pm. The vessel will be sailed up the river earlier that morning from her moorings in Crosshaven in preparation for the event. Fear not the prospect of a high seas Garda patrol yet! The yacht is the new pride of the South Coast Garda Sailing Club and is predominantly for the recreation and training of club members.
The club was set up as part of the Garda Sailing Club about 5 years ago. The aim of the club is to give experience to members of An Garda Síochána in sailing, both cruising and racing and is funded by the members themselves – at least the hefty loan for the yacht is serviced by them! While the prospect of owing such a sum was daunting in the beginning, the 45 members of the club are weathering the burden like true blues.
The boat itself is an oasis of calm, far from the madding bustle of life on patrol. She is a French built 40’ Jeanneau Sun Fizz named "Oasis, of course! She was found bobbing on the waters of South East England by our Bobbies who ended their search for the purchase of a boat and sailed her home with great buoyancy above and below. This is an ocean going cruiser with accommodation for 11 people in 4 cabins and has sailed under its previous owner across the North Atlantic to the United States.
The South Coast Garda Sailing Club has competed in a number of racing events in recent times. In 1998 they won the overall trophy of the Dungarvan Sailing Club Regatta – and vow to return. A very creditable performance was also displayed in the October Racing League of the same year at The RCYC where they were placed 9th overall out of a fleet of 40. Oasis ’little black book for 2000 is rapidly filling with events like Ford Week, Sovereigns Cup and Cobh Regatta (to name a few) pencilled in. Plans for sail training cruises to the Scilly Isles, Channel Islands, France, Spain, Portugal and Iceland are in the offshore pipe-line. On-shore training and instruction takes place throughout the year and is open to all members of An Garda Síochána regardless of whether they are members of the club. Fortunately there is a sea full of experience and expertise awash among the members of the club who are eager to open up the sailing waters for old and new sea dogs alike.
The club are presently planning to channel their resources in a proposal to use the yacht to target young people between the ages of 10 and 20 years and who are at risk from their involvement in crime or substance abuse. The plan under consideration is to teach these young people to sail under a supervised scheme in an attempt to divert them away from the criminal slipway. It is hoped to open this porthole of opportunity to give these kids an alternative. Prevention is always better than the cure and in this maiden venture the Gardaí could make a constructive contribution for the greater good.
The Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne will perform the ceremony on the lea-side on Friday afternoon. I’m sure the launch will be followed by a good lunch at the closeby Garda Club premises.
Be seeing you there.
Joan Wilson
Midleton Garda Station.